If your mouth hurts, what should you do?


Virginia family dentist

Pain in the mouth can be very annoying. It is often a nagging or throbbing pain that you cannot ignore. Very logical that you want this pain to be solved as soon as possible! But what is the best thing to do if you have pain in your mouth? In this blog, we tell you what you should and should not do if you have pain in your mouth.

Nature of the complaint

There are different types of pain in your mouth. You may suffer from wounds in your mouth, pain in teeth and molars, gums, canker sores in the mouth, a broken corner of the mouth or a cold sore. Sometimes it is clear where the pain comes from. Sometimes it is not.

Advice for pain in your mouth

There are a number of things you can or should not do if you have mouth pain:

·         Brush your teeth twice a day and use floss, interdental brushes or toothpicks. This is general advice that we also recommend if you don't have problems with your mouth. Good oral hygiene is extra important in case of complaints.

·         Be careful with food. Try not to eat or drink hot or sour things. This can irritate wounds or damage in the mouth. Avoiding food with sharp edges (such as chips) is also better.

·         Do not smoke. Smoking is never good for your mouth, but if you have pain in your mouth, it is certainly better to leave it for a while.

·         Do not touch wounds, sores or canker sores in the mouth. This prevents unnecessary bacteria from entering the wound.

·         Have your teeth checked twice a year at your semi-annual check-up. This will prevent many problems.

·         Snacking as little as possible. Sugar damages teeth and molars and can cause sensitivity in the mouth.

·         Do you suffer from a lot of pain? Then you can take 2 paracetamol of 500 mg 3 times a day. Read the instructions before use.

When do you contact the dentist?

The measures mentioned above do not always help. Sometimes more attention is needed for the complaint. Do you suffer from a swollen cheek or fever? Then contact your doctor at Virginia dental clinic. Do you suffer from a toothache or pain in a tooth? Or do complaints in the mouth persist, despite adherence to the general advice? Then please get in touch with your Virginia family dentist.
